Sunday 21 September 2014

Sargaathmakathayude Manasaastram( Psychology of creativity) by DrNBaabu

Sargaathmakathayude Manasaastram (Psychology of creativity) by DrNBaabu is a book I have read today.

The book is published byPrabhat book house and price is Rs 70/-. The book deals with creativity , Brain and creativity, Divergent thinking, , dreams, relation ship of narcotics with creativity ,creativity and family back ground

The book is of 107 pages and narration is good. I could read from the book that many well talented persons and known geniuos had a bad child hood or one of their parents died at an early age.

The writer says that Einsteins brain was different from that of a common man.

Some times an action which shall be interpreted as a criminal action one day shall be praised and identified as a creative action later. For example Socratese.
Use of Alchoholic drinks are described in the drama of Aristhophanese writen BC 425. There were many great people who used to drink.But lost their talents.

He gives three 3 stages of Alchoholism given in the studies of Alber Rothen burg which ultimately affects the creativity.

The book is recommended for reading by all Malayalee parents and teachers.


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